The Mission of the Great Valley School District is to ensure that every student is inspired and prepared to be a passionate lifelong learner and a productive invested participant in the local and global community.
Great Valley High School aims to provide our students and staff members with a safe and vibrant school community in which all members feel they belong and have the opportunity to learn and grow daily.
News & Announcements
Spirit Week and Homecoming start on October 14th. Dance is October 19, Game October 18.
Speaker Series returns with programs focused on building a digitally responsible and healthy community.
The Great Valley School District Food and Nutrition Services Department is a recipient of a Healthy Meals Incentive (HMI) Recognition Award for innovation in the Preparation of School Meals.
Great Valley High School is proud to have six National Merit Semifinalists this year.
The Great Valley School District will host a dedication ceremony and open house for the new Great Valley 5/6 Center.