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Attendance Information

The Board requires that school age students enrolled in District schools attend school regularly, in accordance with state laws. Please refer to Policy 204 and its Administrative Guidelines for complete information. Important highlights of the Pennsylvania School Code and Board Policy that parents should take note of include:

  • A parent note is required for all absences within three days of the absence. All absences are considered unexcused or unlawful until the school receives a written note, email, or PickUp Patrol note (for elementary and middle school students) documenting a valid reason for the absence. While parents may also call the school to report an absence, a phone call alone is not sufficient to excuse the absence and documentation is needed by the school office staff.
  • Within a school year, a student may have a total of 10 illness absences excused with parent notes. After 10 days of illness, a doctor’s note will be required to excuse each illness absence.

Trips and Attendance

  • Students are allowed 5 excused absences for educational family trips or college visits. If a trip or visit exceeds 5 days, these will be considered unexcused days unless the reason for additional days absent are considered excused under the policy.


  • Truancy is a legal term used to define absences that are unexcused. Because students are required by law to attend school, the school district is compelled to take action when student a student accumulates absences that are unexcused or “unlawful”. 
  • The district is required by law and policy to notify parents after the 1st and 3rd absences and to meet with families to discuss repeated unexcused absences.

While there can be legal consequences to chronic school absenteeism, the greatest consequence is loss of learning and social opportunities. Because attendance is a critical piece of student success, our staff is proactive in working with families to understand attendance policies, support students and, where possible, remove barriers to attendance.  

Should have questions about the policy and procedures, or have concerns about your child's attendance, please contact your school principal or social worker.

Reporting an Absence

Please email to report a student absence. Please note that in the absence of an email, the school will call home to verify the student's absence.